Friday, July 31, 2009

How I Came to Read the Truth about HWA

(Before we get in the main topic I just have to say that LCG apologist Bob Thiel has broken the news: the "Apostle" Dave "Hand me your assets in a" Pack has released the second volume of his Authorized Biography. However RCG's website is down at the moment. We now continue onto the main topic.)

While I was a believer in Armstrongism I had made it my habit to spend the Sabbath reading religious materials and meditating on such things as best I could.

Very rarely I allowed myself to read negative material concerning HWA. But any criticism they had simply washed over me since I was totally convinced that HWA was who he said he was.

One time out of curiosity I was looking for the Global Church of God's website and somehow I found's article on the Wednesday Resurrection doctrine. However since I was a believer at this time I did not find it convincing and continued to believe HWA.

I did not read this site's argument that the distinction made in Armstrongism between the "Law of God" (The Ten Commandments) which is said to be eternal and the "Law of Moses" which is said to be temporary and ceremonial, is false. You can read that article here.

Nor did I read Question 10: "How could Adam, Noah and Abraham keep the Sabbath, when Deuteronomy 5:2-4 says that the 10 commandment covenant...was "not made with any of the fathers of Israel who lived before Moses.""

Or Question 11: "If we must follow the example of Jesus in all things like keeping the Sabbath, then why do Sabbatarians not follow the example of Jesus in circumcision, animal sacrifices and keeping Passover?" I wish I kept this in mind when LCG persuaded me to become a Sabbatarian. Although this web site is mainly focused on Seventh Day Adventism much of that material is just as applicable to Armstrongism.

Later I ended up reading about PCG, and thanks to Wikipedia I found Mike's Enlightenment Page, the PCG focused section of Exit and Support Network. Intrigued I looked at his testimony. Today I now see this as a beautiful story of how one man came to be free of the PCG. But I was a COG believer at the time. Hence at the time I felt very sorry for him for leaving "the truth" because of PCG. I did not believe in PCG, but I did believe in LCG, so I (naively) believed that had he got in contact with Meredith's sect he would have continued n the truth. I did not go back to see what else they had to say. I assumed I had read all I needed to see. I did not read what they had to say about HWA. But back then I was a brainwashed slave and did not even know it. I thought I was free but I was enslaved.

I had very little exposure to critical material. No one forced that on me but I, overawed by their fine words, decided not to bother reading such things. I was totally convinced that I had proved these matters satisfactorily and did not need to prove "the truth" again.

How I came to allow myself to read critical material that made see the truth about the COGs was the result of what seemed at the time to be a trivial chain of events.

I was quite a quiet person till recently. I struggled with conversing with other people. I yearned to master what HWA called the art of conversation in his autobiography. Then one night I had an epiphany. I realized that I was holding myself back. I thanked God for this. Once I had seen this I became more open and tried to talk to people more.

One day I listened to a certain friend of mine and this person mentioned a religious radio station that I had not heard of before.

Fascinated I looked and found this religious radio station. I came to love various songs on it. At one time I listened to it quite a lot. I was still an Armstrongite, but I wanted to hear people speak about Godly matters.

One day I heard this radio station mention this Christian news website, ASSIST News. I quite liked it and read it occasionally. I was intrigued by its subject matter of what was happening among Christians all over the world. Readers may be interested to know that it carries a link to Plain Truth Ministries.

One day I found through ASSIST News some British Christian website. It mentioned issues typical of such sites. It was very new and there wasn't much, but it was refreshing to read a British perspective on these issues rather than that from America, as is usually the case.

However I lost track of this website. I could not find it.

One day I tried to find it through Google. I typed words based on the fact it was British and a Christian web site. There I found I was immensely fascinated by the fact that the author of this web site, Mr. Robin Brace, was a former WCG member.

I read his testimony of being in WCG and leaving it. Because I still believed HWA and Roderick Meredith I felt really sorry that he left "the truth" to embrace apostate "Churchianity." I (naively) believed that if only he had joined Meredith's group all would have been well. But nevertheless I became fascinated with what he had to say. Finally I became determined to read the other side of the story.

Then I read of Robert Kuhn and learned how he became a multimillionaire and even a respected author after his stint in WCG ended. This did not coincide with my belief that those who left the truth would be subject to curses and find life miserable. Instead I found this man who "left the truth" actually prospering.

Then I somehow ended up reading the Ambassador Report's interview with Bobby Fischer. I found myself noting how similar his experience was to mine. When I read how he felt guilty for not paying WCG for their written materials I thought it remarkable how similar this was to my own experience.

Then I went to read the rest of Ambassador Report. I was looking at the names of the articles, excited that I had found such a treasure trove of information, and then I saw this title: A Treasury of Famous Prophecies. A sick feeling of dread filled me. I knew that HWA thought Christ would return in 1975. After his failure HWA denied he set a date, but Roderick Meredith stated in some sermons that he did set dates. I also knew that HWA predicted that Mussolini and then Hitler would be the Beast after reading early issues of The Plain Truth, although such is now clearly not the case. Somehow I had persuaded myself that these issues did not matter. Although I feared what it would say I decided to look and see.

The article began by quoting Deuteronomy 18:22: "When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him." Once I read that I knew that I had been tricked. They had deceived me! So that day in 2008 I was finally free of the deception spawned by HWA.

Let me assure you that Satan did not "get to me." Instead I realized that HWA was a false prophet and therefore God could not have worked through him. I woke up.

Then I read more from the Ambassador Report, seeing the venality of old WCG. I read of the extravagance built on the systematic exploitation of impoverished, deceived and robbed triple tithes payers. I learned about Stanley Rader. I learned the horrors of HWA's anti-medicine superstition and the many lives lost or permanently affected by this doctrine HWA stole from the Jehovah's Witnesses, and yet he hypocritically used medicines. I learned how HWA stole practically all his ideas from other sources, especially Adventism, Jehovah's Witnesses and the British-Israelism movement.
I read about HWA's incest.

I now see that HWA was just a deceitful false prophet. A liar.

It was only while I was writing this blog that I perceived how such small, seemingly trivial occurrences contributed to my journey out of the darkness of Armstrongism. To me I feel that this is evidence that even in my deceived state God was looking after me. I find it truly remarkable how such little things could have caused me to find freedom from Armstrongism.


  1. RF,

    Thanks for sharing this with us. It's a wonderful story of God's grace in your life setting you free.

    Every time one of us precious few who escaped and remained with Christ writes our story, we witness that the things written by the others is true - and that Jesus Christ is true.
    Every time one of us writes our own story, that's another chance for someone inside to relate and connect and read more and pray... and LIVE.

    Thanks for having the courage and openness to share with us.
    May God bless you and prosper you on your continuing journey.

  2. It was back in late 90s that I started to research the history of the WCG that I encountered similar information to yourself. While you have reached the conclusion the man was a liar and a fraud thereby throwing out everything he ever said, I do not necessarily believe that to be scriptural. The only person on this earth who hasn't sinned is Jesus Christ. This means, no matter how uncomfortable it may be, one has to look beyond some of the sins and focus on his message.
    HWA was sent only to open our eyes to the Sabbath and Holy Days. My opinion is that he laid a small foundation on which to build. He focused on issues not relevant to salvation (eg. medicine, birthdays, voting etc). He did not restore the Jewish roots of the faith, which in my opinion was God's will for him. So in the end, HWA failed in the mission that God set him to do, but, that does not mean everything he taught was wrong.

  3. xHWA,

    Your comments and blessings are greatly appreciated. I am glad you liked it. Thank you for your comment.


    Thank you for your comment. I am glad you do not slavishly follow HWA to the degree that the various splinter groups, and many of his followers, try to do. (Although each of them have made subtle alterations to HWA's belief system. Every single one.)

    Of course HWA spoke some true things, but, I am afraid to say, every false teacher does so as well. They have to have some truth in order to be alluring to potential recruits. Otherwise no one would ever follow them.

    Also practically every doctrine he taught was pilfered from elsewhere.

    I must respectfully say that I am persuaded that God never ever used HWA. Even in the early days of the 1930s-1940s. The message he taught was not from God but from his own mind. HWA's false prophecies prove that.

  4. I have just added the following to the article just below the paragraph discussing

    I did not read this site's argument that the distinction made in Armstrongism between the "Law of God" (The Ten Commandments) which is said to be eternal and the "Law of Moses" which is said to be temporary and ceremonial, is false. You can read that article here.

    Nor did I read Question 10: "How could Adam, Noah and Abraham keep the Sabbath, when Deuteronomy 5:2-4 says that the 10 commandment covenant...was "not made with any of the fathers of Israel who lived before Moses.""

    Or Question 11: "If we must follow the example of Jesus in all things like keeping the Sabbath, then why do Sabbatarians not follow the example of Jesus in circumcision, animal sacrifices and keeping Passover?" I wish I kept this in mind when LCG persuaded me to become a Sabbatarian. Although this web site is mainly focused on Seventh Day Adventism much of that material is just as applicable to Armstrongism.

  5. "HWA was sent only to open our eyes to the Sabbath and Holy Days."

    Got any proof he was sent? Or proof of what his mission was?

    1)He did not reveal the Sabbath.
    It was kept in areas since the 1600's by a group of Anabaptists as an extreme reaction in the Protestant Revolution (they founded the Seventh Day Baptist movement). It was also kept by the Jews since Moses, as well as by the Messianic Jews.

    HWA would claim it was always kept by the "true church". But that's both demonstrably false, and contrary to the claim that it was HWA's job to reveal it. Not to mention the SDA church (the largest Sabbatarian group) so vastly outnumbers as well as predates Armstrongism, HWA couldn't hold a candle to that. He could barely qualify as redundant.

    2) He did not reveal the Holy Days.
    The Millerite groups under Ellen G. White toyed with keeping the Holy Days in the mid 1800's. G. G. Rupert, a huge influence on HWA, taught the holy days (that may even be why HWA was drawn to him). The COG7 toyed with the Holy Days before HWA joined up with them (of course, since they came out of Ellen G. White's group). John Keisz kept the FOT before he even met HWA. And according to Kiesz, "It was in the fall of 1937 when Elder Armstrong’s credentials were revoked by the Salem Church of God organization. The reason given by the Board of Twelve for this action was because he taught and kept the annual Feast days."
    (Here is another link for additional info).

    Keeping the OC Holy Days is a tradition the COG7 flatly rejects to this day for scriptural reasons.

    Here is yet another article about what the so-called "Sardis Era" believed before HWA arrived on the scene.

    "that does not mean everything he taught was wrong."

    No, not everything he taught was wrong.
    ...just most of it.

  6. "Is there any other matter, my friends, in which we are blamed, than this, that we live not after the law, and are not circumcised in the flesh as your forefathers were, and do not observe sabbaths as you do? Are our lives and customs also slandered among you? "
    -Justin Martyr [lived about 100-165 AD], Dialogue With Trypho, Chapter 10

    "But again [the Jews'] scruples concerning meats, and their superstition relating to the sabbath and the vanity of their circumcision and the dissimulation of their fasting and new moons, I do [not] suppose you need to learn from me, are ridiculous and unworthy of any consideration."
    -Mathetes, Epistle to Diognetus, chapter 4, verse 1

    "For if even unto this day we live after the manner of Judaism, we avow that we have not received grace"
    Ignatius [lived 50-98 or 117 AD; disciple of John], Epistle to the Magnesians, chapter 8, verse 1
