Wednesday, September 11, 2013

PCG's Mark Nash Plays Book Editor

PCG's Mark Nash once wrote an article about Harry Potter entitled, What is it about Harry? in the December 2001, Philadelphia Trumpet.

One cannot help but observe Mark Nash's sensitivity to having authority, including we may assume his own, is allegedly challenged and demeaned in fiction, specifically in the stories of Harry Potter.
The weakness and ineptitude of adults is a second theme presented by this movie that should be a cause of concern to parents. The main character, an 11-year-old, overcomes an evil adult villain when the other adults could not. Throughout the story, the children are the heroes while the adults are often presented as less brave, less skilled and ineffective. Even when the children break clear rules established by the adults, they are rewarded rather than corrected. 
Mark Nash completely misses the point.

Writers love conflict within their stories. Having the hero of the story having conflicts with those above him in authority is an easy way to produce tension in a story.

The writers are not encouraging insubordination among children. They are just trying to make their stories exciting. Mark Nash should be embarrassed that he can not understand that.

Can you imagine what a story by Mark Nash would read? I imagine it would go something like this:
Harry Potter saw something wrong was going on.

He could have done something himself.

He told an adult about.
The adults took care of it.

The End.
Why would anyone part with their hard earned money to read a story like that?

Another reason why Mark Nash thinks Harry Potter is a bad influence on children is that, apparently, if kids learn about the occult they might suddenly start murdering people!
Stories and movies of fantasy pose many potential dangers to children. They may create interest in occult subjects such as ouija boards, tarot cards, crystal balls or magic spells—or may lead to interest in Wicca, wizardry or demonism. Many terrible acts have been committed by children with demonic interests. These youngsters did not start out killing people. They started with curiosity in the occult, the same type of curiosity the viewers and readers of Harry Potter may develop.
What is he talking about? Could you provide an example please? How many "terrible acts [that] have been committed by children with demonic interests" have happened? Can't you at least estimate the number?

I am no fan of the occult, I will admit, but to call them murderers? I don't know what to say to that.

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