Monday, November 23, 2015

PCG Denigrating Other Colleges (to Get More Students)

PCG's Dennis Leap has written an article fear mongering to parents about sending their children to College ("Is It Too Dangerous to Send Your Kid to College?").

Leap talks about mass shootings, deaths from excessive consumption of alcohol, rape and sexual assault, and suicide.

It must be stated that these are real problems. But on the other hand going to University is a way for people to advance themselves in order to make a productive life for themselves for the betterment of their families. If one can gain admittance into a University to get a good qualification then he or she should go for it.

But what is Leap's real message? Why is he saying these things?

Leap ends his article with the following words.
Something is missing in our education system. You can see it in the materialistic emphasis. You can see it in the prevalence of drug use and the epidemic of rape. The missing dimension is instruction in character—how to live the right way: morally, cleanly, at peace with others. This is the greatest danger on college and university campuses. Our lofty educational institutions fail to teach our young people about God and the productive, successful life that can only be gained by living by His Ten Commandments. These eternal laws teach young people how to make right choices in life ....

There is a way you can protect your college-age student from the dangers of campus life. Provide him with right education. Please request a free to you copy of our booklet Education With Vision. It is one of the best sources you can read to help your child attain life-building academic success.
Having read that booklet for myself I feel quite justified in saying that it is advertising for PCG's own College, Herbert W. Armstrong College.

This article is the PCG leadership's attempt to discredit the competition in the hope that some readers (the parents) will decide to go to Herbert W. Armstrong College.

One reader made the following comment:
It’s such a blessing to have peace of mind to know when you send your children to HWAC, that you know they are in the most wonderful environment in the world and are getting the best education ever!
The parents and potential students need to be aware that it is unaccredited.

At least students going to an accredited degree will have the confidence that the degree they work for will be accredited and recognized by possible employers.

For anyone who wants to read about the serious topic of suicide I suggest the following:

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