Tuesday, April 19, 2016

PCG Article Gets on Reddit's Front Page

A PCG article is now on the front page of Reddit. About eleven hour ago someone made a post about an article of theirs.
TIL [Today I learned] the USSR had a televised song contest. Since few people had phones, viewers would turn their house lights ON if they liked a certain song (OFF if they didn’t). The state energy co. recorded the size of each power spike & reported the results to the station to determine points for each contestant
It links to a 2014 article by Jeremiah Jacques.

It has attracted about 1729 comments and 6713 votes.

A few commenters wondered who is the source of this article? Generally they were unimpressed.

FYI: The Trumpet is a war mongering, bigoted, evangelical end times propaganda magazine. I'm frankly surprised to see a link to it on the front page of Reddit.
I'd never heard of 'The Trumpet' before so I check their about section and I read this:
The Trumpet uses a single overarching criterion that sets it apart from other news sources and keeps it focused like a laser beam on what truly is important. That criterion is prophetic significance. The Trumpet seeks to show how current events are fulfilling the biblically prophesied description of the prevailing state of affairs just before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
What the ...? Whackos
+7212 and no one is questioning the source? thetrumpet.com? WTF? this clearly never happened, and most soviet households had a phone by 1960s... ugh, all you sheep....
The Trumpet = Downvote


  1. The PCG came into their homes and was welcoming as a neighbors dog who breaks in and shits on your carpet.

    Such fools.

  2. An unfortunate incident this is.

  3. I just took a look at the posts of the original poster on Reddit. This person has posted for two years. And during this time the posted has often linked to articles from PCG's thetrumpet.com website.

  4. Jayess James is Jeremiah Jacques.

  5. Intriguing thought. Thanks for sharing it here.
